Tuesday, April 12, 2011

EPJ Multimedia Critique 2

For our critique of a multimedia presentation on a photographer’s web site, I chose to look at Erin Schwartz’ “Of House and Home.” The content of the project was definitely appropriate for multimedia and I think the project should have been done this way, for I don’t think it would be as strong of a story without the audio. For me, the audio really made this story work.

The interactivity of the project is also well done, with the project not automatically playing on the page and viewers having control over playing/pausing the project, as well as adjusting the volume and whether or not they would like to view it in full screen mode. The navigation is clear and easy to understand.

The design is just okay—a little too plain and simple for me. I don't like the fonts used in the project but the layout, color scheme, and overall presentation fits with the overall site it’s part of.

The technical quality of the site is good, as the images are clear and the audio is understandable. If I could change something about the project it would be to put the slide with the title and brief description of the project as the very first part, the first thing viewers see. For this particular project, I’m not a big fan of first seeing a picture, hearing some audio, and then seeing the black slide. Other than that, I am really impressed with Erin’s work and the way she presented it.

Here is a link to the project: http://www.erincarly.com/epj/stories/ofhouseandhome.html

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