Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture Story

While looking for good picture stories, I stumbled upon a project that The New York Times produced called "One in 8 Million." The series followed 54 people throughout New York and told their individual stories. I was shocked to learn that just one photographer shot all of these stories--what an incredible experience that must have been.

I watched several of the stories but I kept coming back to one in particular called, "May Wong Lee: The Adoptive Mother." I think this is a really great picture story and well-put together piece. The photographer did a good job of capturing a variety of images, shooting from multiple angles and distances. I love the moments she captured as well as the relationships and bonds between the family. I think the audio and pictures went well together and told the story effectively. I had a little trouble understanding a few of the things the woman said but overall the audio was pretty good. What I liked most about this story was the ending. To me, it was very powerful and summed up the story perfectly.

Here is the link to the story:

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